June 2023 | Volume 13


A squeaky clean gut: Epicenter of physical and mental health

Today is International Yoga Day and I have a story to share from my training days. Many many moons back, my roommate from another corner of the world and I could speak anything under the Kerala sun, but she used to get so shy and embarrassed talking about her gut health- she is not alone, so many of us do not feel comfortable discussing gut issues, not even with our own family! And still I want to talk to you about it. Because it is sooo important to our health!

“All disease begins in the gut” - Hippocrates


Are you someone who struggles to have a good bowel movement in the morning to clear your gut? In traditional civilizations there was a lot of focus on having a healthy bowel movement every day- hence a very clean gut. When the gut is not cleaned regularly, it can take a toll on the entire body- physical health and mental cognition both. The gut is responsible for digesting food, absorption of nutrients and expulsion of waste. A healthy functioning gut translates into good health, immunity and vitality.

The easiest way to know if the gut is working properly or not - one should have a bowel movement 1-2 times a day, something that is easy to pass and is well formed. A bowel movement at the start of the day is the most ideal, as it empties the intestines completely- readying them for nutrient absorption during the subsequent meals of the day. Otherwise, the toxins from the waste not expelled are thrown back into the body- leading to headaches, lethargy, gas, bloating, fatigue, skin irritations, anxiety, allergies, food cravings, weight issues, autoimmune issues and even mood issues.

While sometimes the gut can act up, with certain factors it can put long-term strain on the system and lead to acute conditions and plummeting of the immunity. Factors like- a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, poor sleep, long term stress. Having an active lifestyle, eating water and fibre-rich foods, full sleep and good stress management are ways to build gut health and microbe.

All these will eventually help in getting rid of constipation- hence help in clearing up the gut in the morning will start giving immediate benefits. But there is a short routine you can incorporate from the get-go to get immediate benefits:

  1. Warm Water: Drink 3 glasses of warm water in Malasana (Deep Squat) on the floor

  2. Brisk Walk: Follow it with 5 mins of brisk walking- and a little stimulating massage to your lower abdomen.

  3. Tadasana (Mountain pose): Interlock your fingers, stretch your arms up and come onto your toes- exhale come down. Do this 9 times.

  4. Twisted tadasana: Keeping the feet on the floor, turn side to side with arms stretched out. 9 times again.

  5. Twisting: Stand straight with arms loose and twist the upper body side to side forcefully to provide that twist to the intestines.

Follow these for a few days and tell us if it makes a difference!


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Your daily energy with Subba and Surbhi

Hosted by our own well-being and life coach, Subba Sattvic and yoga and ayurvedic lifestyle coach, Surbhi

💻Join us for 2 weeks of introductory online sessions

⚡Daily energizing sessions Monday to Friday

🧘🏻Setup a daily routine of 45 mins of self-care through asana movements and breathwork

7.30 AM Singapore Time / 5 AM IST / 7.30 PM EST

Save your spot below!


Words Of Wisdom



Until next month…

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