August 2024 | Volume 22
In search of Happiness?
Here is your magic potion!
“The Purpose of our lives is to be Happy” - The Dalai Lama
“A happier life” - isn’t that what we all seek?
Isn’t that what we are solving for, when we make choices in life and at work?
And, the more happy we feel the happier the world gets!
Then, why does it seem so elusive?
In my journey into ancient texts from the Indian Subcontinent, I came across the Brahma Viharaas - the pillars of “infinite” happiness. Elucidated in both the Yoga Sutras and in Buddhist texts, these attitudes, when developed within ourselves, allow happiness to show up more frequently and sustain for longer in our lives!
There are just four attitudes to grow:
Let’s begin here and now by exploring “Friendship” (Maitri).
The science on this shows that we hold on to bad times more than the good ones. This is perhaps, due to the amygdala activation in “bad times” which get stuck in our memories. But, recent scientific studies agree with what we have learned in our ancient texts, that dwelling on the good times helps grow our happiness quotient. In fact, what is seen is that regular practice of Gratitude moderates our cortisol, the stress hormone, and grows serotonin, our happiness hormone.
But aren’t there only finite opportunities for these in our life to feel thankful for? So where does “infinite Happiness: come from?
This is where wisdom goes beyond science.
The insight from wisdom texts is that growing friendship (or being thankful) towards good events in other’s lives has a similar effect to us feeling those emotions towards events in our own life.
Let us take the example of family - when your child or grandchild has a happy moment in their lives do we say “why not me” or do we give thanks? The wisdom texts challenge us to extend this definition of “family” to a wider circle - perhaps colleagues, friends, community and even beyond. And, that’s when the practice transcends the mind and becomes spiritual!
So, how could we all integrate this into our life?
I like to think of integration in two parts - Practice at the Mind Gym (Sadhana) and Practice in the World (Seva).
Practice at the Mind Gym (Sadhana)
Giving thanks to the Universe every night before going to bed
Writing a gratitude journal on your phone!!!
Do a short gratitude meditation visualising people and places
Practice in the World (Seva)
Thank someone for the service you just received from them. They could be someone in a mall, store, hospital, airport, restaurant, hotel, cab.. etc. Most important is to look them in the eye and be both spontaneous & wholehearted!
Send out a sincere gratitude message on your whatsapp on a regular basis.
Go back to turning points in your life and thank people who supported you through those times!
In next month’s issue we will continue exploring the next pillar of happiness. Till then, please do practice the above and share your experience with us!
May we all be blessed with Happiness!
Upcoming Events
Upcoming 2025 Bali retreats
Don’t miss out on our 2025 bali retreats!
Joyful in Paradise (29 Jan - 2 Feb): A family retreat for a joyful experience over CNY that includes family yoga, outdoor excursions, & creative activities, (Children are welcome).
Best Life in Paradise (27 - 31 Mar): Retreat for those who want to experience the nature and culture of Bali while also refreshing their body, mind, and spirit.
Vajrasana/ Diamond Pose
Popularly know as the pose you CAN do after eating!
Aids in making digestion robust, improving circulation, alleviating lower back pain, promoting better posture & lowering the BP to name a few benefits
How you can incorporate in your life: Sit in this asana for 10 mins after a proper meal to see the magic!
Words Of Wisdom
Artwork by Ramapriya Rajagopalan
Until next month…
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